Being respectful and kind towards one's parents

Q: I am a woman who is married to a beautiful person Alhamdulilah and have three children. I also have an amazing set of parents. I love them a lot and care for them. I respect them and I have succeeded in keeping them happy with my behaviour and humbleness towards them. I do this only because Allah has mentioned this over and over again about the rights of parents. I have tried my best not to disappoint them and keep asking them to forgive me if I have. My question is my parents keep talking of what belongs to my brothers amongst their properties and what belongs to me, although any sane person would say how unjust the division is. I have never said uff or raised my voice against their decision. But the thought keeps eating me from inside that although I have loved and obeyed every single word of my parents, why is it that I am being tested by not getting what Allah has given me the right to. My brothers are so disobedient and abuse my parents (at least one of them), they keep raising their voice against my parents decisions and I have selflessly always tried to make peace without thinking of any personal gain. Today, if I don't think of what is mine and what my haqq is, nobody will. I just don't know how to voice my mind to my parents only with the fear of upsetting them or maybe letting them down. They always come to me for opinions and help and I have always helped them without any ulterior motive. Just that nobody has any guarantee of time and I don't want to come to a point where I will be head on with my brothers and maybe ruin my relationship with them over my right. Please help me. I am torn, hurt and very upset.

A: Your good fortune is that you continue being good, respectful and kind towards them, and expect the reward only from Allah as was the way of the Ambiyaa and the pious of the past. Forgive them for any injustice and make a niyyat that you will not make this an issue with your brothers. May Allah reward you abundantly in both the worlds for your endurance and well wishing.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)